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Re: Boat names revisited.
Posted by Chris J. on Jan 27, 2006
My dad was partial to wooden boats until the end. His first boat, a small 25' cruiser with a single Willys Jeep engine built in the 50's for the Gulf of Mexico then brought up to Canada. When my dad bought it there were maple tree saplings growing out of the dry rot. After nurturing her back into ship shape we launched her at a local marina in 1968...not realizing that wooden boat planks need time to swell she took on about a foot of water before we could get her back to the slings...good learning experience and she was also Christened that day...."Chicken of the Sea"
In Response to: Boat names revisited... by Petewp on Jan 27, 2006
- Re: Boat names revisited. by Petewp on Jan 28, 2006