S&G Wire Cutter

Posted by Mac on Jan 30, 2006


We're gonna invent this, and John's gonna sell it.

What S&G builders need is a wire cutter that makes smooth, slightly rounded ends which insert easily into the 1/16 inch holes we drill in our panels. Especially when we're "wiring from the bottom" and wearing tri-focals.

I'm thinking to start with, something resembling a cigar cutter with opposing blades which are vee shaped - creating an ever diminishing square when closed over the wire and pushed through. Ideally, there should be multiple blades like a camera iris, but that would be too difficult?

Or, are we looking for a step two device like a little partial pencil sharpener to insert the cut wires into? Preferrably electric for lazy folk like me.

We gotta do this, cause my poor fingers can't take much more I tell ya!




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