Re: So many kits ...

Posted by Mike on Jan 30, 2006

I've built 9 kayaks so far, and paddled a lot of other designs. My personal favorite for S&G kayaks is the Night Heron. It has all the maneuverability of a Looksha Sport, but the speed of an 18 foot kayak. It is extremely well balanced for a paddler of my weight (180 lbs.), but not well suited for 150 pounders. I use this as my everyday kayak in everything from calm waters to west coast surf.

It is not set up for a rudder, but if you want to adjust weather/leecocking, put in a retractable skeg. I don't have one yet on my NH, but found that it may come in handy when surfing wind waves over a long distance. A rudder could be added to this design, but I feel a retractable skeg would be the better option.

If you go with a stripper, I'd go lean towards either the Redfish King, Golden, Guillemot Petrel, or Night Heron.

Also, as someone else pointed out, ask the same question on, and include your weight.


Night Heron

In Response to: So many kits ... by Will I Am on Jan 29, 2006


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