Re: kayak beach wheels

Posted by Laszlo on Feb 7, 2006

CLC also sells boat dollies with pneumatic tires, though not as fat as the ones Mark mentions. Check toward the bottom of the page at the link.

In addition, Jesse, now that you've mentioned your boats' weights, I can see why you were having problems. The good news is that boats don't have to be anywhere near as heavy as that.

Have you considered something like the Mill Creek 13, which is only 40 lbs? It's supposed to be stable enough for bird watching with binoculars, so it should be OK for shooting. As far as the recoil goes, I don't know how well it'll work on a beam shot, but over the bow should be no trouble at all.

One final thing, I built a boat dolly from a 2x4, a couple of lag bolts and inflatable wheel barrow tires. I use truckers ratchet straps to hold it in place against my pirogue. Might be a good way to test the concept if you have some wheels laying around, before paying for a real set.

Good luck with your quest.


CLC boat dollies

In Response to: kayak beach wheels by Mark Camp on Feb 7, 2006



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