Re: Onlay printed graphic

Posted by Gober on Feb 13, 2006

Hey there Paul,

You may want to take a look at some decal paper. I don�t know how big of a design you are looking for. I used decal paper on my boat and it worked great. Testors makes it and I picked it up at a Hobby Lobby store. A package was less than 5 bucks (TXDL, that�s Texas Dollars if you live north of the Red River). I wouldn't sand the place your gonna stick it, you'll want a smooth slick surface. I glassed over mine but you may be able to just varnish over it. I would test it first. This stuff is clear, if you use rice paper you'll have to wet it until it turns clear. You can run it through your inkjet. It�s the same stuff you put on model cars as a kid.

See the webpage for some examples. All the writing was done with decal paper.


In Response to: Re: Onlay printed graphic by Kurt Maurer on Feb 13, 2006



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