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Re: shear clamps
Posted by Mike D on Feb 17, 2006
The shear clamp ends are one of the many things in my long list of "things I would do differently" during the next build.
Not that I have a whole lot of experience only being 80% through with my firt S&G boat, WR18. I ran the shear clamps to the ends and did the bevel cut per CLC supplied instructions, maybe from "Shop Tips", maybe not. The process involved a string stretched from end to end for a guide to mark the angle to be cut down from the top of the clamp. The Japanese saw made short work of the cuts and after a couple of passes thru the clamped-together joint the seam was almost invisible - until. Until I added the ring bulkheads which increased the fullness in the ends and left a gap in the previously tight joint. Oh well, that's what thickened epoxy is for.
The "thing to do different" part will be putting ALL the bulkheads, formers, etcs in place before cutting the ends of the shear clamps.
Also very slightly beveled the edges of the panels with w sanding block per CLC instructions and the panels went together without any major problems.
Happy building, MD
In Response to: shear clamps by tim on Feb 16, 2006
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