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Re: TKBB 2006 Report
Posted by George K on May 8, 2006
Kurt, Kurt, Kurt....
You think you had some recuperating to do? Well, Bud, I left you guys and drove to Arkansas to do some paddling then had the two day drive home. Made it to the house about an hour before I-95 and the Beachline closed because of the fires down here. (The house is fine but having fire two streets away is just too close for comfort!)
And about me fitting in out there: When you turn around at your campsite and you got three big ol' Texans heading your way (ok, Kurt ain't so big!) and all you can think of is the good, the bad and the ugly you HAVE to make some adjustments and fit in any way you can! Just kidding. You guys were a cool bunch to hang out and paddle with. (Is "cool" a concept Texans understand?) In fact, even though I swore I wouldn't drive further for the next bash I just might have to give it a go. Never been to Dallas and life is short.
And about that bit of bad weather that came thru? Down here in Florida we call those hurricanes. Okay, the wind's a bit stronger in a real hurricane but the thunder, lightning, rain and hail were about the same!
For those of you who missed it, these guys showed a lot of hospitality to those of us "outsiders", made us feel right at home. Had a catfish fry Saturday night that couldn't be beat. Al Crise, the flyfishing guy, was a hoot to hang out with. My only complaint is having John Caldeira's boats right beside mine! He and Tony Olsen do some fine work.
And for those of you in the northeast put the Mid Atlantic Small Craft Festival on your calendar, October 7th, St. Michael's, MD. Over 200 boats will be there and it's a good time.
George K
In Response to: Re: TKBB 2006 Report by Kurt Maurer on May 8, 2006
- Re: TKBB 2006 Report by Kurt Maurer on May 8, 2006
- Re: TKBB 2006 Report by Tony Olsen on May 8, 2006
Re: TKBB 2006 Report by George K on May 9, 2006
- Come on up Kurt! by J.Schott on May 9, 2006
- Hey Joey... by Kurt Maurer on May 10, 2006
- Cool!! by J.Schott on May 10, 2006
- Re: Hey Joey... by Laszlo on May 11, 2006
- Hey Joey... by Kurt Maurer on May 10, 2006
- Come on up Kurt! by J.Schott on May 9, 2006