Re: In support of no supp

Posted by BobE on May 10, 2006

Actually that picture represents my brother Dave�s fine work � (for John H. � the other brother Darryl). It is a Ch 14 kit with typical homebuilder mods. The bulkheads have the fillets added prior to the deck going on so I wouldn�t call �em caps. We just find it easier to add deck fillets in this manor rather than reaching in after the deck is on. Lots of pic.�s available, (with a little prose), at his website, with more to come when he gets his computer back online.

We�ve played with everything from full deck beams to no beam and various combinations of glass and plywood stiffeners. It depends a lot on your intended use of the yak. I�m sure you�ll decide on a happy medium.

Way back � almost before I can remember � in the late 70�/early 80�s, I use to fly SSA sanctioned competitions in the fully glassed Standard class. Birds like the LS-1, LS-4, ASW15, Cirrus, etc. It was a ton of fun surfing the air with flight polars approaching 50:1. Landing in places like a Jimmy Carter peanut field and being help out by one of his secret service agents.

bare foot dave

In Response to: Re: In support of no supp by Chuck Rhodes on May 10, 2006


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