Re: Honda and trailer

Posted by Tim on Jun 9, 2006


Oh my yes, backing up a trailer especially the first time, can be an experience to be remembered. It all comes down to practice, practice, and more practice. I�ve seen more than once at a local boat ramp what you thought was the beginning of a divorce when a husband and wife show up for the first time with their new powerboat. The guy is usually the driver (I guess it�s a guy thing) and the wife is outside giving directions. The poor guy is doing figure 8�s in the parking lot as he tries to back the trailer up to the ramp while the wife can�t understand why he is having so many problems, and then the yelling begins. One bit of advise I can give is, if the trailer gets to be too crooked on you, take it out of Reverse, put it in Drive and pull forward getting everything straightened up, then start backing up again.

Good luck, Tim

In Response to: Re: Honda and trailer by Nelson on Jun 8, 2006



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