Here's what we do....

Posted by CLC on Aug 3, 2006

A lot of our smallcraft with varnished interiors have a "satin" finish. It looks great and---truth be known---will hide minor imperfections.

There aren't any satin varnishes that are UV stable, however, and you need the varnish to protect the epoxy from sunlight. So, we put three coats of the Interlux Schooner varnish on first, and finish up with two coats of the Interlux Goldspar Satin Varnish. That holds up for about three years of hard use. You can always convert a glossy boat to satin, or go back to glossy if you don't like the satin effect.

Various Varnishes, Elixirs, Nostrums

In Response to: Interior Finish by Mac (the one from Oregon) on Aug 2, 2006


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