Re: Cockpit on 18' sea ka

Posted by Woodie on Oct 3, 2006

I have The Kayak Shop and it shows "a" cockpit coaming for a Cape Charles. It is kind of a rounded square shape. After this CLC went to a "key Hole" shaped opening which gives a nicer place to brace your knees and is smaller in open area. The first ones were narrow and short, They now offer more sizes depending on what type of paddling you are doing. My favoriate is one I built that is a little longer (I moved the deck beams) and wider at the back as I am wider at the back. Look at current pictures and you can see the key hole shape.

Just some more to think about. Good Luck!

If you really want the "rounded square" I will provide dimensions.

In Response to: Cockpit on 18' sea kayak by Scotty on Oct 2, 2006


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