What kind of plywood?

Posted by Sander Saelthun on Nov 14, 2006

I have ordered a set of Chesapeake 16 kayak plans, intending to build from scratch. Recommended plywood for this kind of projects here in Norway is Bruynzeel Gaboon (Occume) super marine plywood. But I'm not to happy about using wood shipped arund half the world, and with a environmental doubtful origin in African rainforest in my kayak. Why is so crucial to use marine plywood - the wood will be covered with I don't know how many layers of epoxy, and anyway the kayak will stay in the water only for some hours each time it is used - ? Since I'm situated in Scandinavia I would like to try building the kayak from the best quality birch plywood I can get hold of (exterior grade both sides) - will this really be a stupid thing to do?
