Re: Final epoxy coat

Posted by Alan Speakman on Jan 6, 2007

Hi Kim,

Just my $.02...

If you think you might be seeing the dimpling of unfilled 'glass weave, I'd refer back to Mac's response... After 6 coats of epoxy, the weave should be full... So what's going on here? Maybe you're applying the epoxy in extremely thin coats, or not using a roller, (See below.) Maybe there's an issue with outgassing, (also see the CLC "Tips site.")

When all is said and done, the world isn't going to spin off its axis if you sand a little 'glass.


P.S. Has clcboats post changed to auto "spell checking" or is this new computer sharper than I thought?

Filling the weave

In Response to: Final epoxy coat by Kim on Jan 5, 2007



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