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Re: Chester Yawl Conversi
Posted by John R. Pollard on Jan 6, 2007
James, Some time ago - long before the Passagemaker Dinghy became available - I was curious about this possibility too. And if I'm not mistaken, there was a time when CLC briefly offered a sailrig for the Chester Yawl. I don't know what happened to it, but it's my hunch that the yawl has insufficient form stability to support a sailrig in anything more than a modest breeze. Seems to me the yawl was designed to glide easily through the water on it's proportionally very narrow waterline beam, which is great for rowing, but not necessarily ideal for a small, unballasted sailboat.
I must have "grabbed" a few images from CLC's website, because I found the following in my archives:

In Response to: Chester Yawl Conversion? by James Pallafox on Jan 6, 2007
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