Re: Retrofit rubrail

Posted by Mac on Jan 21, 2007


If you can get half oval (not half round) super!

However, failing that, if you're able to put the lath-like strips on just a little proud of the deck-to-side joint, you should be able to round the top edge of the rub rail into this curve.

Of course it depends on just how rounded this seam is presently.

To me, the major role of the rub strip or rail is to protect the very edge of the deck, so mine have always actually formed the edge. This is easy to do when building, but would be tougher as a retrofit.

Another little tip I use when gluing/epoxying the strips onto the hull sides is to hot glue those little wooden shims we use during the build along the bottom line of the rub rail. About every foot or so. It gives the rails something to rest on while you tape them in place. Once the epoxy cures, you can knock the shims off easily with a sharp rap from a hammer.

(This is the closest I get to Rappin')



In Response to: Re: Retrofit rubrail by Julian on Jan 21, 2007



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