Re: Varnishing in the Gar

Posted by Robert N Pruden on Feb 22, 2007

Drape heavy plastic (vapour barrier available at any home do-it-yerself store from the ceiling so that it encloses your kayak (also eliminates dust while retaining heat). Use a heater (no flame) to heat the interior and allow the heated air to vent through a hole in the plastic somewhere near the top. The heater should NOT be close to either the plastic or the varnish. Do not use forced air as it will stir up the dust and speckle the varnish finish. You will get a vapour build up in the garage but it will not be close enough to the LEL (lower eplosion limit) or the flamable limit of the vapours (hence the big hole in the plastic). You should be able to get away with this cheapo set up. Do many thin coats of varnish to get a good even finish. Hope this helps.

Robert N Pruden (ht4k, ht4k, ht4k)

In Response to: Varnishing in the Garage by Tim Clark on Feb 20, 2007
