Re: Cover for Annapolis W

Posted by John Beck on Jun 26, 2007

Gary, My first question is, why leave it in the water? In addition to keeping the rain and sun out slime will most likely grow on the bottom.

All 3 of my CLC kayaks live outside upside down on racks with covers I've made from Sunbrella purchased from Sailrite. You can use your wife's sewing machine (if she'll let you) to stich it together. You can get by with less than perfect fitting covers for upside down boats. I've been through many trials and tribulations creating mooring and trailer covers for my Beetle Cat sailboat and outboard runabout to keep the rain out. And believe me, I now have a much better appreciation of the professional canvas makers and what they can do. Even if you hire a canvas maker you will still have decide on how to attach the cover to the boat. The problem with mooring covers is that you can't use cord or bungee around the bottom of the boat to hold the cover down, and you need to use snaps, lift-the-dot or twist lock fasteners to hold the cover on along the shear/rub rail. I don't think that a drawstring under the rub rails is strong enough to support a taught cover. Imagine the the aestheticts of the fasteners on your pretty Wherry. Other considerations are the gymnastic skills and time required to install/remove the cover while the boat is in the water and you are on the pier. My runabout has a 6" wide side deck that the wherry doesn't and I managed to fall in only once while putting the cover on.

Building a roof over your slip is probably the easiet and cheapest (custom covers aren't cheap!) alternative to storing the boat upside down on a rack.

Probably not what you want to hear, but ...

Good luck John

In Response to: Cover for Annapolis Wherr by Gary Licht on Jun 25, 2007



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