Re: Kayak Seelection Tabl

Posted by Mac on Sep 5, 2007


Don't worry about the SIS being tricky for a first timer - it is mega easy with predrilled stitching holes and MDF forms galore! A great manual and of course, George Krewson and this forum to help. There are puzzle joints everywhere, so I defy anyone to mix anything up.

I'll assume the Ducks are much the same (Schade designs).

These boats are in the same stable as the Mill Creeks, and any or all will suit your needs.

I'm a 6 foot, 250 pound tub. I've corked the scupper in the SIS, as I'm over the design limit for the self-bailing function. But, I'm also a calm water paddler (less than 12" chop) and remain 100% dry anyway. These hulls (SIS and DUCK's) are a remarkable design and handle/track well in calm, or waves or wind.

I think these unique craft may be just what you're looking for, and I haven't found their equal on other sites.

Let us know what you decide!

Have fun!


In Response to: Kayak Seelection Table by DaveP on Sep 5, 2007



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