Re: quick access to stuff

Posted by Jim E on Sep 10, 2007

I've juggled a few lenses and filters in my time, but I've only ever taken small cameras afloat.

Many paddlers who take serious cameras along do so in stable, spacious kayaks like the Mill Creek. I'm assuming that your bigger camera/lens combos are not waterproof, in which case your are going to be using them in smooth no-spray conditions where it's safe to pop your sprayskirt. If so, some sort of in-cockpit arrangement might suit. The camera bag would need to be drip-proof and puddle-proof. The backpack and day hatch approaches are a little unhandy if you want to grab the camera in a hurry, and it might not easily fit through a day hatch aperture with a big lens attached. The deck bag is an attractive option, since they are available in a range of sizes and degrees of waterproof-ness.

In Response to: quick access to stuff... by GCarrell on Sep 9, 2007
