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Doing a walkabout
Posted by George Jung on Sep 13, 2007
Well, I just had a wonderful evening! After several emails and calls to John Harris, working on the logistics, the traveling CLC caravan (with it's 18 boats), traveling crosscountry from Port Townsend, Washington and headed for Anapolis, Maryland, arrived in Chamberlain, South Dakota for a Meet at the Beach. Well, not quite; we tried, but time constraints conspired against us (as well as some pretty cool temperatures and winds), so we settled on a meet at the big parking lot, and enjoyed an impromptu get together of like-minded, boat-crazy people. Maggie and ?Meg? (boy, I'm bad at names) unloaded a S&G NightHeron, which we all tried on for size (just a bit lower volume than my Chesapeake - and I like it), introduced a bunch of folks to the beauty of kayaks in general and wooden ones in particular, and got to take a close look at a bunch of other boats that, until now, I've only seen on my computer or in the catalog. Most of the folks left with that kinda goofy, glazed over look (you know what I'm talking about), and I suspect we're going to have a new crop of wooden boats plying the waters by next spring. My lawyers were here, and they're a bit prejudiced towards the Skerry, sail setup, as well as the Pram. It was a lot of fun; we're hoping to make it on CLC's radar for their next trip out this way, and combine it with our own MATB. Thanks, CLC, and esp. John Harris, Maggie, and ?Meg?
- Re: Doing a walkabout by Gene Grabin on Sep 21, 2007
- Re: Doing a walkabout by Gene Grabin on Sep 21, 2007