Re: identify source of le

Posted by LeeG on Sep 20, 2007

don't be depressed,,it's all new. Why don't you put some water in the aft compartment and see where it comes out? The Okoume is bullet proof stuff even if it does get water stained.

Think of it this way you've got more experiential feedback than those folks who just hang it in the garage.

Given the obvious waterstaining in the cockpit from so little paddling it's worth re-sealing. Go ahead and take the seat and footbraces out, wipe out any dirt or salt water water residue, if the wood is damp let it dry for a couple weeks, give it a quick and easy scuffing with 100 grit and re-seal with about 8oz of epoxy for the interior bottom and sides.

In Response to: Re: identify source of le by Emily on Sep 20, 2007


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