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Re: off-gassing or...what
Posted by Jim E on Nov 19, 2007
Winter must be coming, the "Should my family be breathing epoxy?" posts are starting to appear...
As far as the sanding goes, connect a shop vac to the sander, and wear your dust mask for good measure.
Epoxy has very little smell but it's not good to breathe. I don't know what is given off, but I have had hangover-like symptoms after keeping my face too close to the work. It's not nearly as bad as varnish, though. I live in a benign climate, so I can leave the outside door open and run a fan year-round. You should try to prevent the fumes from getting into the rest of the house. Close the door and use a mask that filters organic vapors, and vent to the outside if you can.
In Response to: off-gassing or...whatever by theo on Nov 19, 2007
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