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test fit C18 cockpit - GTA Ontario
Hey everyone. I picked up the wood for my cockpit coaming yesterday. I will be installing the Coaming for the WD12 this week, once she is in the water (end of May) I will start on my C18. Since I have the wood, I was thinking of also cutting my C18 Coaming now so that it is ready.
Wondering if there is a C18 (or other boat with the same cockpit) in the greater Toronto area that I could visit and have quick test fit/sit. Getting down to Okumefest is not an option :(... although I have checked my lotto numbers yet :)
Please contact me david at dragonsong dot ca
1 reply: test fit C18 cockpit - GTA Ontario
» Submitted by Ted B - Sun, 6/13/10 » 10:54 AM
Morning David:
I met you @ paddlefest in Toronto yesterday and we were talking about my Ch16 cockpit size, According to the CLC website all the chesapeake series have the same size coaming and fit for a seals 1.7 skirt.
If you want to meet up, send me a date of one of the local paddles and I will arrange to be there for a swap of boats, I am thinking of doing the paddle for a cure in Sept as well.
John H will be happy with all the sales we made him.
[email protected]
Let me know.