2010 OkoumeFest successful

More wind than necessary, more than 30 boats in the water simultaneously at various times, many outstanding home-built boats.  Well done CLC, again.

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RE: 2010 OkoumeFest successful

A brilliant day on the Bay.  Thanks everyone! 

A full report and much more to come.  Now....we sleep.  

RE: 2010 OkoumeFest successful

John some day I will make a trek from Colorado to see the sites, maybe even take in the Fest--till then keep us posted...CZ

RE: 2010 OkoumeFest successful

Derfinitely lots of fun, lots of wind and not enough water. People were just about walking out to the Pocketship. Even more fun than the boats were all the people. I got to meet (and almost meet) some of my fellow forum denizens. danthaler was there with his wife and relatively new boat. SEEYA Jack was deep in conversation so I didn't disturb him but it turns out I had met him last year and just hadn't realized who he was.

The CLC folks were great, as usual. They even brought along carts for us to use to haul our boats up and down The Hill, so no more Okoumefest Death March of the Boats. Besides the usual folks, I also got to meet their newest Matt (I think John collects them). The whole gang, as well as some folks who were there especially for Okoumefest, did their usual spectaular job of making us feel welcome.

No pictures from me this year, sorry. I had 2 of my own boats there, as well as all the CLC fleet and I just got too wrapped up in the watersports. But it was a great start to this year's boating season.

See everyone next year,


RE: 2010 OkoumeFest successful

It was great to meet everyone and the forum denizens. ootdb, I didn't get to meet you (I don't think).

Our pictures are here


 I still can't figure out how to post a dang link

RE: 2010 OkoumeFest successful

danthaler, thanks for posting those boat photos. 

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