Need some inexpensive epoxy and hardener for end pours

Hello Lads,

I am getting low on MAS epoxy.  I made small end pours, but have decided I need to make them a little bigger.  I have some West 107 Microballoons for the job, but It looks as if I may need to buy some epoxy to do the job.  Can someone recommend a suitable product that I can pick up at West Marine.

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RE: Need some inexpensive epoxy and hardener for end pours

Jeff, mix in some small wooden blocks (1 inch x 1 inch) or some similar item to take up space (without adding weight).  Seems to me you could even use styrofoam peanuts, create a honey-comb of epoxy and filler. 

Just a thought based on other postings,


RE: Need some inexpensive epoxy and hardener for end pours

I use West G-Flex, which is sold by CLC and West Marine in an 8-ounce repair kit. It mixes 1:1, is pre-thickened and is designed to stick to anything. Unfortunately it isn't cheap. -Wes

RE: Need some inexpensive epoxy and hardener for end pours

Based on my recent experience with a cracked end pour, I don't think I would recommend a honey comb. Solid seems better to me. On the next boat I'm thinking I may carve wood to fit.

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