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Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
I bought a Yakima rack for my 2002 Subaru Impreza WRX. I can use it as is for local trips(no highway) But I need help with the best kayak specific accessories so I can feel safe at highway speeds and not mess up my varnish. I spent six months and lots of money on my hybrid Wood Duck 10 and would be suicidal(well, okay - very upset) if I damaged it in transit.
As always, thanks for any help in this very important part of kayaking.
16 replies:
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
I'm thinking of embedding a scratch under the fiberglass of my next boat for humilities sake...oh wait, I did that on the first one.
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
build one to use and and leave that one home
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
Is it a boat or a piece of furniture?
Unless you spend more money and have a cover made you will find bugs splattered on your boat, It can fill with water, too, if you cartop in the rain.
A cover may cost a small fortune. It has to fit properly and the fsabdic has to be top drawer or the wind will whip the cloth and cause the fabric to fray.
And make certain you don't bang your paddle on the sheer.
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
Hi Rich,
No lecture here, because I assume you realize scrapes and dings do accumulate during use, as much as we might wish they wouldn't. And who wouldn't be upset if his boat came loose in transit and sustained structural damage?
Maybe some WDer's will chime in here with more specific advice, but boats with flat bottoms ride so nicely right on the rack bars that you shouldn't need to add expensive specialized carriers. I have a pair of pads made of dense foam covered with fabric that wrap around the bars and fasten with velcro. They cost very little, and do their job nicely. A small fabric cockpit cover that can be tightened securely around the coaming will keep your boat from filling up with rainwater, which could truly be disastrous.
Beyond that, I would just suggest you check out the photo and comments about using cross straps and bow and stern lines in the recent thread "Transporting Mill Creek 16.5 on Chevy Tahoe Roof". That may stimulate you to ask additional specific questions.
Rich, you are right in being careful to set up a good system. Good luck!
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
I am approaching my first week of WD12 car topping and after two highway speed trips of over 100KM each, you have nothing to worry about. Only issue is a rope burn when I slid the bow tie through, now I hold it up off the varnish until in place. My SOF is over a year and never had any damage. I'm personally not convinced that a cover is better, the flapping/vibrating fabric can act like sand paper. I know that for gliders (airplanee) being trailered, leaving the canopy covers on during transport has dulled the canopy.
As for a rack, I carrier her flat, upright and on a pair of dollar store pool noodles. Works great on the car. On the truck, where the cross bars are wider, the noodles tend to crack down the centre. I'm thinking of making a custom cradle so I have a nice V to side in so that she does not tip when not tied. A cockpit cover is a good idea, I have one for both boats, very easy to sew yourself.
Hope you enjoy your new boat. The first scratch hurts the worst, after that they become fond memories of that time when... here's to lots of fond memories!
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
P.S. the most important highway speed accessory for not scratching varnish is a bow line. keeping her on securely on the roof will prevent a lot of "scratches".
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
I last transported my WD with racks with pipe insulation foam on them. I used plastic zip ties at the end to hold the insulation on in addition to the self tape that comes with the insulation.
I have also transported using foam blocks. My scratches have come in the water/landing - not from the roof. My problem was the bow strap rubbing paint off the van. Last time I used rope and it worked better.
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
Wow! I haven't listened to so many lectures since I was in grad school. I've already used the boat several times and suffered a few nicks. And my primary use will be for saltwater fishing with scales,blood, and scratches. I guess my post was misleading. I am actually looking for the best set-up to keep my boat on the car at higher speeds.
The Yakima manual says "Kayaks must be carried with Hully Rollers, Land Shark,Mako Saddles or HullRaisers on this vehicle." That scared me about just attaching the boat to the stock rack. Are they just trying to sell me more stuff?
Also, has anybopdy had any experience with the Malone carrier that holds a boat on end?
Thanks to those who actually gave me advice.
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
Are you talking about the Malone racks that carry the boat on its side? That would be the Malone "Auto Loader" (available from CLC). I am using those for my Shearwater 17. I have them clamped to the cross bars of a Thule basic system and they are very secure. You need to load the boat from the side of the car. This takes one guy, maybe standing on a stool if he is short, lifting the boat overhead and setting it in the rack. Two guys, one at each end, is easier. These racks seem very secure and, with the boat on edge, I have room left to carry my Mill Creek 16.5, rightside up on the main cross bars, next to it. The Malone racks are rubber padded and have not scared up the boat.
By the way, I will be leaving So. California next week, headed for Idaho (1200 miles), with both boats on the roof.
Happy car-topping
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
"The Yakima manual says: Kayaks must be carried with Hully Rollers, Land Shark,Mako Saddle"s or HullRaisers on this vehicle."
Rich, my guess is that they figure almost all kayaks have round or v-shaped bottoms, which need add-on accessories to accommodate that shape. I don't personally have any experience with carrying kayaks on their sides (or on their ends either, for that matter!). The only advantage I can think of is that it would free up extra room on your rack bars - for a second kayak, a bike, a rack box, and so on.
If that's not an issue, I'd think you'd be better off carrying it on its flat bottom, because that way it's less exposed to cross winds, it's very well supported, and it's also probably easier to load and unload. On the other hand, if you feel like ponying up for something sexy, your wallet will be lighter and less bulge-y in your pocket. :-)
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
I made my own carrier for my yakima rack, it s designed for the C17 I just bought but carriers my modified white water kayak for now. I have u-bolts holdng a wooden rack to the bars and the rack is covered in carpet. my tie owns hook right onto the carrier, it sits flat and I can still carry my cargo box along side. i will try to post pics later. I've spent many hours hauling it going 75mph down the freeway. Does great, don't ever forget the bow and stern lines when going that speed. I have 65 with no problems without them, but I just ge nervous.
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
I have a WD 10 and 12, i use two malone racks attached to the stock rack on my Acura MDX.
The Ducks fit well and feel very secure, one highway trip without issues.
I agree with bow lines at highway speeds, but I dont bother with them around town
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
I am looking at the Malone carriers where the boat is on its side because eventually I would like to carry two kayaks( I also have a 9.5' Perception Swifty) for my daughter. I need to check dimensions to see if my rack with 48" rods will handle two boats.
I will definitely use bow and stern tie-downs for the highway.
Thanks to Paul, Grant, Jason, and David for your helpful advice.
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
Here are those pics of the rack I created. They are built 24" wide and should be able to carry 2 kayaks, I only hve my cartop and a kayak for now with 48" bars and there is plenty of room. Hope the pics work
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
I have truck topped with just pads on my Yakima bars, but now use the Hully Rollers and Mako Saddles. Both worked fine at highway speeds. But since going to the Hully Rollers and Mako Saddles I have enjoyed the comfort and speed at which I can load and tie down. I also must say that I like the way my woodduck 12 looks mounted on the top of my F250 with the Fifth wheel in tow. and no scratches, at least not from the rack system.
RE: Need help with best car top set-up for Wood Duck 10
» Submitted by Laszlo - Wed, 6/16/10 » 6:46 AM
The varnish is going to get messed up unless you leave the boat indoors and never use it. That's just the way of the world. Even if you wrap it in a cocoon for highway use, the boat ramps, bushes, docks, sand, gravel, other boats, oysters, birds, fish, sap, asphalt, etc. are eventually going to get it as you load, unload and paddle.
It's time for you to decide whether it's a boat or coffee table. Once you decide, you'll know what to do.