Preferred method of finishing fillets

I am doing the finishing work on an Annapolis Wherry and I was just wondering how folks have gone about finishing their fillets.  Do you sand them smooth or just leave them with the coarse textured surface.  I have them looking neat and even, but they still have that wood flour texture.  Will the subsequent brushed-on un-thickened epoxy provide enough smoothing?  Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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RE: Preferred method of finishing fillets

A piece of sandpaper wrapped around about a 2" long round wooden dowel is what I use on my fillets.  Normally many low spots are left that the sandpaper doesn't reach.  If I was chasing perfection I might apply a second thin layer of wood-floured epoxy, but I've never done that.  A top coat or two of unthickened epoxy gets them smooth enough for me.


RE: Preferred method of finishing fillets

If the fillet is going to be glassed I don't do anything to it, just lay the glass on it while the fillet is still wet. Then it becomes a fill-the-weave-problem instead of a smooth-the-fillet problem.

For unglassed fillets I brush on a coat of unthickened epoxy while the fillet is still wet with a chip brush. That leaves a glassy-smooth surface.



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