yes, build a rowboat

I built a rower because I wanted to be able to take people and gear out with me.  This completely reasonable decision evolved into impracticality when I moved from the coast to an apartment in the city.  

But the extra aggravation I have with a rowboat in Washington DC has paid off.  Yes, that is my Jimmy Skiff being used as an on-location prop for a bona fide fashion shoot on the Georgetown waterfront.  (Watergate, Kennedy Center, and Washington Monument in view downstream)

fashion shoot

The photographer didn't like my boat numbers: changed them in Photoshop.  Didn't like my registration sticker: gone.  You'll notice the girls seem to be adrift without oars; that's because the bow line has been deleted and the hole through the hull filled.  However the artist provided my boat with a very nice paint job, much better than the hurried workboat finish the boat got as I was moving to the city.  Fashion is ALL illusion anyway.

Great fun with a group who had very clearly never been in a small boat in their lives (I can provide a 4-star review about the Jimmy Skiff's stability).  The lovely shoot coordinator also sincerely thanked me for letting them use my canoe.  ;-)


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RE: yes, build a rowboat

I paddle up and down Miami Beach every day and this NEVER happens to me! It's South Beach for god sake, there's a model on every bar stool. Do I have to move to DC? SEEYA Jack

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