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I'm getting ready to build a Skerry however I'm a bit stuck waiting for the weather to stay sunny long enough to get the hull together (I guess I'll need ~1 week until it becomes boat-like enough to leave outside under a tarp in case of bad weather). I'm planning to start some of the prepwork indoors - seal the seats, glue the skeg, build the daggerboard trunk, etc.
Would it be a mistake to epoxy the seats before I shape them for fit in the finished hull?
2 replies:
RE: Skerry build prep work
Thanks.. I actually started epoxying everything after checking in with John - he suggested it might be easier to do it off the boat anyway.
At least I can now feel I'm doing something productive rather than waiting for the weather to change....
RE: Skerry build prep work
» Submitted by Gball - Fri, 5/20/11 » 2:42 PM
After shaping the seats, you'll need to re-apply epoxy anyways to cover the newly exposed bare wood - I'd save the epoxy and time and do it all at once when the seats are ready to fit.