Stitch and glue alignment

This is something I came across on West systems web sight.

Looks like it could help.Stitch and glue panel alignment

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RE: Stitch and glue alignment

I've used this on a non-CLC boat and it did work fine. Not sure how applicable it is for CLC designs, though, especially the newer ones like the Wood Duck & the Sea Island Sport. That's because for those the outer edge is supposed to be closed. But for the larger boats with thicker hulls (Jimmy Skiff, John's Sharpy, etc.) it should work quite well.

Another thing to keep in mind is that those tack fillets in the picture are way too thick. They'll need a ton of epoxy putty to cover up when the final fillet is put on. Anyone using this method should use much smaller tacks. If extra strength is needed, the crack can always be filled in from the outside  before the wires are removed.



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