Mill Creek seats

I noticed a descrepency between the plans and instruction manual for the seats on a Mill Creek. After building the first seat of course. The plans show the slats as 1/4 x 3/4 but the manual says 3/8 x 3/4. Will the thinner slats hold up or am I going to be rebuilding this one?





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RE: Mill Creek seats

I would think it questionable.  I swapped out my kit slats for some that I made out of sappalle.  I was careful with the endgrain orientation and even with the correct size,  there is a bit of "spring" to them.  May be add  a third bottom  brace??

RE: Mill Creek seats

 Is there a manual for the seats other than the book that comes with the kit? I used the plans to put my seats together, but thought there should be some additional instructions. Specifically, what is the recommended spacing between slats?

RE: Mill Creek seats

>>>>> Is there a manual for the seats other than the book that comes with the kit? I used the plans to put my seats together, but thought there should be some additional instructions. Specifically, what is the recommended spacing between slats? >>>>>>>>

The Mill Creek plans show seat construction at full size---including slat spacing. 

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