Vacuum Bagging Material

Does anyone have experience with stretchlon 200 bagging material it suposedly streches 500% and requires only a few pleats.


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RE: Vacuum Bagging Material

Don't use it unless you really need that stretch. Only problem that I've had with the stuff is that it's so stretchy that it can form into feed lines, vacuum lines and flow material. This can spell disaster for an infusion. The best way that we found to prevent this choking off of the flow was to double up on the breather at all inlets and outlets and on any area that had flow media; otherwise the film will form into each little opening in the flow media and kill the infusion. Here's a pic in a set of how to pics I put together for a customer. Hope that helps. 


RE: Vacuum Bagging Material

Thanks for the feed back.  I am new to vacuum bagging i have done some flat pieces that i had we ut but never infusion.

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