New WoodDuck added to the flock

I could never figure out why people would post "I launched my boat!" posts, but now after umpteen hours of work, sweat and epoxy dust, I know why.

We launched the boat last night, finally!

We even cristened it with a can of coke!


 It is not quite done, at the hatch and seat still need finished, but was good enough to take out for a test drive before holiday time starts.

My writeup with some pictures is on my blog:

and on flickr:

Thanks for all your help - the boards were a great source of information and ideas on what to do. Seeing people's blogs and pictures als helped tremendously so make sure I knew what I was doing ("at least it looks the same..."


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RE: New WoodDuck added to the flock

Congrats and welcome to the Wood Duck Fleet, your boat is a beauty!!  I christended mine with 2 fine Michigan micro brews, an Anglers Ale and an Oarsman Ale.  I only spilled a little of each on the boat and a friend of mine and myself consumed the rest!  It is a great feeling to launch the boat after all those hours, you should be proud!!



RE: New WoodDuck added to the flock

Welcome to the fleet. Good to see another one hit the water. You're going to have lots of fun with that one.



RE: New WoodDuck added to the flock

I like the red & white paint job w/matching red deck lines. It looks like you used/made recessed holds for the deck lines. Nice job.

 I have only got out once so far this yr. with my WD but I am trying to get in time with one or more kids & borrowed kayak to go some more. 

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