Centerboard on NE Dory

I saw a post that mentioned installing a centerboard instead of the daggerboard on the NE Dory.  Since I'm using my NE Dory almost exclusively for sailing, I'm seriously considering a center-board mod.  Does anyone have any centerboard mod pics they can share?

I was running downwind last fall with the daggerboard up.  The boat jibed and the boom swung over and jammed against the raised daggerboard.  In heavier winds that would have been an almost instant knock down.  Oops.  I quickly corrected and got the boom back away from the daggeboard.

Thanks - Jim

NE Dory CindyLu

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RE: Centerboard on NE Dory

Jim, post your email address and I'll send you some pix of my dory CB.  SEEYA Jack

RE: Centerboard on NE Dory

Thanks, Jack -



RE: Centerboard on NE Dory


Could I see those pics?  I'm looking at (actually started building) this one:

I like the "no-pin" design and based on my dimensions the bulk of the box should go under the seat..., with the opening right where the D-board would be.




RE: Centerboard on NE Dory

Jack, if you see this, I am building a NE dory now and would love to see anything about a centerboard option.  threedogranchAThotmailDOTcom


RE: Centerboard on NE Dory

Interesting roller centerboard design.  Have you actually built that system?  I've a concern about the complexity of the rigging on that board.

RE: Centerboard on NE Dory

Yes, I have built this board arrangement into my NE Dory and it works well. My board is weighted at the end with 7 lbs of lead in the bottom 5" and moves up and down with no effort. SEEYA Jack

RE: Centerboard on NE Dory

I'm building a NE Dory and will be using it primarily for sailing.

I'd appreciate copies of your CB photos.



Tim.mccluskey at gmail dot com.



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