Better way to remove bubbles?

I'm sure I am not the first to "discover" this method, but as it happens I figured it out when I was trying to find a way to speed things up.  I needed to move faster because of the heat--in order to maintain a wet edge.

Anyway, I tried this and for me anyway it works a lot better than tipping off with a foam brush (which can sometimes leave streaks, especially if the paint is drying too fast).

I am using Interlux Brightsides paint and thinning it with 10% 333 Brushing Liquid.  I am thinning the paint because of the hot weather--don't know if it is necessary for my method to work in cooler weather, but probably not.

I am spreading the paint normally with a good closed-cell foam roller--going across first, followed by lengthwise strokes. The roller leaves some small bubbles, so I stop about every two feet to remove them. 

Here is where I am doing things differently:  Instead of tipping off with a foam brush I am going back over it with the roller.  The difference though, is that I am moving slowly and using very light pressure, only about the weight of the roller.  This removes all the bubbles. 

Immediatley afterwards you can still see the pattern of the roller.  This would not be a bad thing, but as the Interlux dries it smooths out and in most cases the pattern disappears completely.  I say in most cases because there are a few tiny areas where you can still see the pattern, but it does not look at all bad.  In all probability the paint would end up perfectly smooth everywhere in cooler weather. 

At any rate, it looks really great--much better than tipping off in my opinion.  I'm planning to repaint my kayak this winter and if I'm correct it will look almost sparyed on with this method.

Does anyone else do it this way?  Any comments?  Anyone know of a reason not to do this?

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