Denatured alcohol on bare wood?

I always use denatured alcohol between coats of epoxy or varnish after sanding.

But is it okay using  it  to clean bare wood before first coat of epoxy?

Thanks for any advice.

Rich MPL

3 replies:

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RE: Denatured alcohol on bare wood?

  I use it for bare wood a lot and have never had an issue. For a brief moment before it dries it will give you a glimpse of the finished colors and grain too.

  Vinegar does stain Okume, don't ask me how I know.


RE: Denatured alcohol on bare wood?

I too use denatured alcohol on naked wood.  It evaporates without leaving any residue so is excellent for preparing bare wood -- epoxy or varnish.

RE: Denatured alcohol on bare wood?

Thanks for the reponses. 

 I thought it would be fine, but since I haven't built a boat in a while just wanted to double check.


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