Ideal Temp for applying Maas epoxy?

I'm building my Kaholo in my garage with a small kerosene heater to take the edge off.


I'm guessing the temp is about 55 degrees.  I'm allowing for at least double the amount of days for full cure/hardening. 


Any other issues with temp I should consider?


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RE: Ideal Temp for applying Maas epoxy?

You need to be careful using a Kerosene heater and any kind of applications. Kerosene heaters give off pollutants that can effect the adhesion of many coatings.  In the construction business, paint companies, grout manufacturers, adhesive suppliers, finish suppliers of all types, will not honor any warranty claims if kerosene heaters are used for heat, the find that those theaters leve contaminats on exposed surfaces.  Propane or natural gas gives off a lost less pollutants, but they also raise the humidity level, which can create another problem.  Probably electric heat is the cleanest temporary heat, pemanent heat the best.

RE: Ideal Temp for applying Maas epoxy?

I am in the middle of my Ch 17 build and I am also doing so in my garage. I live in Michigan and it is cold here.

I have a 2 car garage which I divided in half with a visqueen "tent". I need the other half for my car. Inside the tent I have an electric heater which keeps the temp a constant 60 degrees. So far all the epoxy work has gone well.

I spent $150 on the visqueen, metal studs and heater. I have a 16' door which I had to tent under thus using the metal studs to build a framework to lay the visqueen on and down to the floor in the middle of the garage. Beyond the door I simply draped from ceiling to floor. I used aluminum foil tape and clamps to secure the visqueen.

Do some research on heaters before you buy one. Mine is a little small but still provides enough heat to maintain a working temperature.


RE: Ideal Temp for applying Maas epoxy?

"Tenting" combined with a heat source is one way to go. Creating an enclosure around the area you are trying to cure can help keep the heat where it needs to be, no point in heating the entire workspace really. I've used heavy plastic sheeting in combination with 100 W flood/work lights and never had a problem getting epoxy to cure in cold weather. Just keep the lights away from the plastic ... ;)

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