K14. How to square up fins

My kit did not have holes drilled as the book states.  Any tips on how to square up the fins?


Squaring is tough because the SUP has no right angles to square from!

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RE: K14. How to square up fins

If I remember right, the center seam of the hull can be used. cut a piece of scrap the same size square as the distance between fins. mark the scrap piece on two parallel sides at its center, line marks up with center seam and your fins go on even with the other two sides.

RE: K14. How to square up fins

You can establish a center line on the bottom by stretching a string from the bow to midpoint of the stern (put a piece of tape on the under side of the stern and mark the midpoint of the stern on it).  Put center lines on the front and back of the fin jig and line those up with the string.  Use a small square to align the marks on the jig with the string.  

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