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I recently finished a CLC Chesapeake 17LT in the Annopolis location with the class this past month which ended 5/25. When I left to go home with my boat the epoxy was dry and I thought everything was fine. Yesterday I went to cut out the hatch openings and notice the epoxy was tacky. There is only 1 coat of glass/epoxy on the boat. Does humidity and moisture (it had rained yesterday) cause cured epoxy to get tacky prior to coating with vanish or paint?
1 reply:
RE: MAS epoxy question
» Submitted by Lew - Mon, 6/3/13 » 10:16 AM
You may not have throughly mixed your epoxy. It should be rock hard by now regardless of conditions. My suggestion would be to scrub it real good with water and a stiff brush, sand lightly then wipe it down. Mix a new batch of epoxy and coat. Hopefully the new layer will tighten up the original with out turning 'milky'. May want to do a test spot first. I mix epoxy for a full 2 minutes and knock on wood, have yet to have a batch turn on me.