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It's 55 degrees and raining. I've been varnishing all week (1 coat/day), and I'm anxious to get the final coat on. The Interlux can (Schooner Varnish) says humidity and moisture will spoil the gloss. My question is, how bad is it? Should I definitely not varnish? This is not a museum quality finish, more of a "10 ft" type job (my first S&G build). I do have a nice gloss going though and I'd hate to spoil it by being impatient. Do I wait for drier weather?
2 replies:
RE: Varnishing and humidity
Your statement: "I've been varnishing all week (1 coat/day)" says it all if you're shooting for a 10' job - you're almost certainly at the 5' level already, and you're done - go paddle. Both of my 5' jobs reached the 15' zone after 1 season. Therefore, I think you're done - Congrats! Put it in the water!
RE: Varnishing and humidity
» Submitted by hokeyhydro - Sun, 6/9/13 » 8:51 AM
Yes. Wait.