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Front hatch on a Wood Duck 12?
Hi Everyone,
I'm currently looking to build a kayak this coming winter, and the Wood Duck 12 is as close a match as I can find to what I'm looking for. I would like to have a front hatch since I plan to use the kayak for camping, and I strongly believe having water-tight compartments on both ends of the boat is a good idea. I also believe having a small area up front to put gear will make it easier to trim the boat.
Does anyone forsee any major issues with installing a water-tight bulkhead and a small deck hatch up front? Note that I'm 6'2" tall, so that limits the amount of space in front of my feet.
- Jon
2 replies:
RE: Front hatch on a Wood Duck 12?
I wouldn't bother with a front hatch. I've had my WD12 for 5 years now and never missed a front hatch. I've also had it out in multiple small craft advisories with breaking 3-ft waves and never had any swamping problems. I was, of course, using a spray skirt in those situations.
As in th post above, a dry bag is your friend. It keeps your stuff dry and displaces te water. I take an empty dry bag for flotation, whether I'm taking any stuff or not.
And I too lie down in my boat, but for naps, not ducking branches. A quiet creek, a nice lunch and then a nap before heading home. Who can ask for anything more?
RE: Front hatch on a Wood Duck 12?
» Submitted by sskiff - Tue, 7/23/13 » 10:22 AM
Hi Jon,
I was thinking someone experienced with a forward hatch would chime in but since it's so quiet here I'll jump in. One big avantage for us with the Wood Ducks is we can lay down in them and scoot under fallen trees, branches and low bridges. Beats portaging sometimes. This may not be a factor for you but thought I'd mention it. Also I carry gear in dry bags forward and can retrieve them with my paddle when on the water. Never even thought about a forward hatch.
I've been lucky but Robin has 'prematurely exited' the boat twice and both times there was about a gallon of water in the boat.
I'm 6' and there would be plenty of room for your legs and a forward compartment. Of course you couldn't lay down in it...