I'm planning another CCR racer purchase and build. I'd like your thoughts on use of Six 10or Thixo in lieu of two-part MAS. Would filleting with these one-part products also require wood flower added?
Both WEST six10 and Totalboat Thixo are two part products packaged in a calk type cartridge. Both are pre-thickened and are meant for patching and repaires. I have used the six10 and it is an excelent product. However, the cost per ounce is high because the tube holds both parts of a 2:1 system so this results in less than 6oz.of mixed product. This is further reduced by the proceedure of "charging the tip" and the product left in the tip after the cartridge is empty. Also, the mix starts to cure and plug the tip in about 20 min. so you need to work fast.
Other than that the stuff works like a champ. More info on both products can be found on Jamestown Distributer's website.
RE: Epoxy
» Submitted by - Wed, 9/4/13 » 2:11 PM
Both WEST six10 and Totalboat Thixo are two part products packaged in a calk type cartridge. Both are pre-thickened and are meant for patching and repaires. I have used the six10 and it is an excelent product. However, the cost per ounce is high because the tube holds both parts of a 2:1 system so this results in less than 6oz.of mixed product. This is further reduced by the proceedure of "charging the tip" and the product left in the tip after the cartridge is empty. Also, the mix starts to cure and plug the tip in about 20 min. so you need to work fast.
Other than that the stuff works like a champ. More info on both products can be found on Jamestown Distributer's website.