Panel lay out for plan builders.

I was cleaning out some draws in my shop a came across a handy tool for marking out the panels for plan builders. It a tool for building model air planes called a woodpecker. I removed all the blades and left one on the outer edge. You can then roll the wheel down all the lines and it leaves a dotted line every 1/4". woodpecker

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RE: Panel lay out for plan builders.

woodpeckerI tried to a link for a picture but ti didnt go the first time.



RE: Panel lay out for plan builders.

I used a dressmaker's wheel and dressmaker's "carbon paper" when I did my build. Much the same idea. It worked resonably well. The wheel had a bit of play and this tended to make the line move a bit (only very small amount). I have a photo on my build diary:

Probably less expensive and easier to find than a woodpecker. (I used to have a laminating business and used one of those. Wicked little teeth if you get your knuckles inthe way!)


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