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Glass hatch covers and cockpit rim?
Do most of you Chesapeake builders fiberglass the hatch covers and cockpit rim?
2 replies:
RE: Glass hatch covers and cockpit rim?
Last year I built a 17LT and I did not glass the hatch covers or cockpit rim because the directions did not call for it. I just covered both with a couple coats of epoxy then varnish. The boat is holding up very well despite heavy usage.
RE: Glass hatch covers and cockpit rim?
» Submitted by hspira - Sat, 11/9/13 » 4:23 PM
i would recommend glassing them. it really improves the impact resistance of the part and helps to ensure a consistent, even-thicknessed epoxy layer to ensure that the pieces are properly epoxy-coated/water-proofed.
they are also relatively simple pieces to glass so its not a lot of work.
can't really answer the question about 'most of chesapeake builders'. original kits didn't even provide deck glass. then it became standard. the hatch construction also changed a bit over the last 10 years...each time, in my view...slightly improving.
my sense is that the folks at CLC get a lot of feedback on how their kits perform and upgrade/improve their kit and building recommendations over time.