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How to install NRS Flotation bags in Wood Duck 12?
Hi all,
I'm getting very close to finishing up the varnishing on my Wood Duck 12 and I'm starting to think that she might see the water soon! With that in mind, I've got a couple of NRS flotation bags that need installing and I'm wondering how best to do this? It's a long way up into the bow!
Thanks for any and all help!
5 replies:
RE: How to install NRS Flotation bags in Wood Duck 12?
Thanks George for the quick reply! I should have thought to look on the NRS site - I did find the video that I think you reference and it's helpful.
I guess the challenge that I see is that it's a long way up to the bow of my kayak - way longer than my arms anyway, and although the bag may not need to go all the way to the bow I think it might be best if it did? Also, I guess that it would be smart for me to take them out of the package that they came in so that I can get a closer look at them. One thing I'm wondering about is how long the "filler" hose is -if I do mange to get it secured way up in the bow I may not be able to inflate it! :)
I guess that I'll have to come up with a way of securing some sort of fitting to the underside of the deck for it to attach to, and I'll definitely be careful of screw length -the last thing I want is something poking through the beautiful varnish finish that is beginning to reveal itslef on the deck! That would not be good.
If anyone else has any ideas on how I should approach this I'd love to hear them, thanks!
RE: How to install NRS Flotation bags in Wood Duck 12?
Someone on one of the forums installed theirs by - "I simply tie them ot the ends of the foot brace tracks with a length of paracord.".
Hmmm, that sounds like a pretty easy solution, and as long as the length of securing chrod is enough that they can be pulled out to inflate, then stuffed forward enough to get up into the bow, that should work?
I'd probably feel better about them really secured to the boat, but I'm stil thinking...
RE: How to install NRS Flotation bags in Wood Duck 12?
I had my son crawl in and place some kind of D-ring, it may have been a plastic self adhesive loop - I don't remember, as far forward as he could reach. I had a cord go through that ring. One end of teh cord I attached to the end of the flotation bag, the other comes forward to another D-ring or loop at my cockpit, with extra cord. I can pull the bag out if needed, or part way out to inflate, then I just pull my end of the cord and the bag goes back to the bow.
RE: How to install NRS Flotation bags in Wood Duck 12?
Thanks Ralph, sounds lke a good solution! Only one problem, both of my girls now live on the east coast and the one that's the "right size" for this type of job is in Boston! Now to see if I can find a neighborhood "helper"... :)
Still thinking on this, but I like your solution!
RE: How to install NRS Flotation bags in Wood Duck 12?
» Submitted by George Kaiser - Thu, 11/21/13 » 11:51 AM
There are 3 D rings on the bag, one in each corner. From the video it looks like one might only need one ring to anchor the bag. You could put the empty bag into the bow and then inflate the bag and see where the 2 rings at the base of the bag line up. You will then know where you can place the pad eyes needed to attach the bag to the kayak. You could make a simple eye from plywood or solid wood and tie the bag's D rings to the pad eyes. You could buy commercial pad eyes and either directly glue them to the hull or insert a block of wood and screw a brass pad eye to the block, just make sure the block of wood will be thiker than the length of the screws.