Still cold but they say springs coming

Waiting for my duck to come north.
I heard she was in an industrial accident and is all cut up
They put her in a box ..... I hope it has holes
I'm clearing space in the operating garage, the lights are ready
The tools have arrived....... TOOLS!!!    
Maybe I need a new sander. Oh and a dust extractor to go with it
Some more clamps.  Never enough clamps
Rubber gloves, little sticks and scrapers.  TOOLS!!!

Waiting for my duck to come north
It's getting warmer, really it is
It's my first time but it's her first time being put together so all is good
I have tools, I have a book, I have THE INTERNET
With all that we can put a duck together. 

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RE: Still cold but they say springs coming

Thanks for that,



RE: Still cold but they say springs coming

   Your welcome,

I want the duck to come north, but it is still too cold in the garage outside Boston.  Plus my wife asked for a stand for a new 55 Gal aquarium. So that's in the shop now

More TOOLS!!! :)

I just want to say I think this forum and it's offshoots is great.  I was not sure if I wanted to tackle this project, but I feel that help is close by.

RE: Still cold but they say springs coming

Thanks, Shawsheen.  Great post.  "More Tools" is a battle cry that most of us would charge up a hill to.

RE: Still cold but they say springs coming

Also, "more rhymes"!  Your post was great, But.  This modern poetry (like the Longfellow stuff we see so much nowadays)...I mean, come on, people!

To help correct this leeward drift, Commodore John should announce an annual OkoumePoem contest. A sporty black CLC cap to the winner would be enough of an incentive.

The Calander says it's Spring

First off thank you for your comments, I don't think of it as poetry.  But more as " a stream of ideas tumble out of my head and ending up on paper".

It's still cold out side; still waiting for my Wood Duck to come north
There is snow on the ground, but the river behind the house is open
.... Did I hear a quack?  I see a wake in the water.  It went behind the trees
Is it my Wood Duck?  ......... ...... (With depressed voice) it's only a Mallard

It's still cold out,  the lake up north has 30" of ice 
I should go skiing,  but I think I'll go buy TOOLS
I sharpened my block plane, I bought stretchy  packing wrap
Do I really use sticky packing TAPE, won't it stick to the feathers

Wait, an email..... A tracking number...
Can it be.  Yes my Wood duck IS heading north
Next question,  the Tapenzee or through the city

Better clean the garage!!!

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