which fibreglass piece for what sections


this may sound like a silly question.  i am building the night-heron high-deck strip and am getting ready to glass the outside of the hull.

the kit that comes from CLC has 12 yards of 50 inch wide 4 oz glass and 12 yards of 30 inch wide 4 oz glass.

the boat is 18 feet long.  50 inches is more than wide enought for the hull or deck.  the 30 inch piece is wide enough for the both the hull and deck as well but a lot less clearance for the hull (only an inch left) at the widest point.

is this as simple as use the 50 inch wide for the hull (cutting it in two 18 foot pieces) and the 30 inch wide for the deck? (cutting it in two 18 foot pieces)

there is no real lay-up instructions in the strip built kits.   so want to use the material wisely.




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