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I am installing perimeter line around my Great Auk.
I am planning to install Sealect round deck line guides (see I've seen the webbing loops with a screw guide system, but I prefer this instead. I've used them on a plastic boat and they hold well and look sharp.
Does anyone have experience with these guides or a similar guide on their wood boat?
1 reply:
RE: Deck line guides
» Submitted by hspira - Sat, 4/26/14 » 6:46 PM
let me begin by saying i have no direct experience with this particular part other than having them on my plastic boat.
but i have bult a stripper similar to a great auk as well as a number of other boats and installed various deck-line guides systems
my general sense is that these should work just fine. i have never experienced them being fragile or not marine grade in the boats i have seen them on.
i think the issue is mainly about aesthetics and if these look good to you....then go for it.
in the case of these attachments (and any other approach) in addiiton to using a sturdy, marine grade part, another critical consideration is how it attaches to the hull and making sure that that part of the hull properly distributes the load and is properly reinforced and capable of taking the load.
for a great auk and for this system, to the extent that you do not have the deck attached to the boat, you should get this all set up in advance. use a marine grade machine bolt to attach the part and a 3/4 to one inch washer to help spread the load. i would also recommend an extra layer of 4 or 6 oz cloth 3 inches in diameter centered on the holes you drill on the inside of the hull to reinforce the hull at the tie down points. when you drill your holes, drill them slightly oversized and fill with epoxy and re-drill to ensure that you have properly encapsulated the core of your boat.
that should do the job just fine.