epoxy on varnish

Will epoxy adhere to varnish?

Reason I'm asking: I have varnished the interior of my Shearwater Double before attaching the deck. I had masked off the areas where fiberglass tape will connect the two, as well as the areas for the fillets along the bulkheads and the hip-braces. However, some varnish has crept under the masking tape and I am wondering how critical it is to clean those areas.


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RE: epoxy on varnish

   There should not be a problem but always sand before epoxying and do not use mineral spirits. Acetone or laquer thinner should be used to wipe down the rail. I know some epoxy manufacture say that you dont have to precoat joints with unthickened epoxy but I always have been taught to do so. Gives the wood time to soak up and a better bond. Every boat shop i worked in they were pretty anal about that. No need to allow to dry coat then fillet.


RE: epoxy on varnish

   Page 107 of the CLC Northeaster construction manual says, when you're installing the daggerboard trunk, "There should be absolutely no varnish, and epoxy should be scuffed up for a better bond." Hard to imagine how it could be any clearer than that.

Maybe a little varnish wouldn't matter, but you're talking about a pretty critical joint. Do you really want to take the chance? Isn't piece of mind worth 10 to 20 minutes of sanding.

And no disrespect to Bruce, but I just had this conversation with John H at CLC two days ago and he assured me precoating with unthickened epoxy is not needed. His contention was that this belief is a carry over from practices developed in the early age of epoxy when precoating WAS recommended, but formulations have changed.

RE: epoxy on varnish

I guess you're right. I will spend some time cleaning up these areas.
Thanks for keeping me honest!

RE: epoxy on varnish

I am biulding a sw17, hull and deck are together and now working on all the details. I would not worry about a little varnish leaking under your tape. Between the inside fillet and tape and the ouside deck glass overlapping the hull, the hull to deck interface is monsterously strong. A little possible weakness in the inside will be more than compensated by the glass on the outside. My opion anyway,


RE: epoxy on varnish

   Phalsey, no disrespect taken, but I will continue to precoat. Call me old school I guess. lol



RE: epoxy on varnish

���Epoxy will melt any varnish it contacts. I doubt you will have an issue inside the hull.

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