Paint over varnish or varnish over paint?

 I am getting ready to start finishing my Yawl and have a bright finished transom which will be lined in white to accent the wineglass shape. Should I varnish the transom first and then paint on the accent color or vice versa? I am using Interlux products and I assume that their varnish is just paint with no pigment so they will both be compatible either way. Will the varnish yellow over time and tint the white if I paint the trim before varnishing? Or am I just over thinking the whole thing?

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RE: Paint over varnish or varnish over paint?

The varnish actually has some amber color to it, so you wouldn't want to apply it over the paint.  Doing the varnish first, then taping off and applying paint will yield the sharpest transition line.

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